Good food for eyesight improvement

By | June 27, 2020
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Good food for eyesight improvement – Best diet for better vision includes eating Carotenoids, Vitamin A, Zinc, Lutein and Xeanthin, Leafy veggies and egg yolks, Blue and blue berries and more

Good food for eyesight improvement !


Carotenoids are present in yellow, orange, green veggies, specially carrots. Eating good food for eyesight improvement, will show results over a period of time. Carotenoids contain carotene, which is converted into vitamin A by the liver.

Vitamin A

This vitamin protects the eye by helping to absorb the light energy that passes into it. Increased levels allow your eyes to absorb more energy and help you to see more efficiently, especially in the dark. Good sources of vitamin A are mangoes, cabbage, cod liver oil, milk and eggs and one of the best source is carrots.

Good food for eyesight improvement


Zinc is found in red meat, beans, peas, whole grains and wheat germ. It may also prevent Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD).

Lutein and Xeanthin

These pigments protect against Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), by forming pigments in the macula, which sharpens the visual images.

Also they help with vision by filtering out harmful blue light wave lengths. The more pigment, the less likely will your eye fall prey to ARMD.

Leafy veggies and egg yolks

These are rich in lutein and xeanthin. All you need is a teaspoonful with a smidgeon of fat to up your blood lutein by nearly 90%. Leafy veggies play a major role in eyesight improvement.

Blue and purple berries

These contain a group of compounds called anthocyanins, which attach themselves straight to the rods of the retina, that are responsible for adjusting the eye to see in the dark.

Good food for eyesight improvement

Fatty foods are not good food for eyesight improvement

The main dietary culprit in harming vision is fat. Studies have shown that men who are obese were twice as likely to get cataracts as compared to those who are slim. There are also concerns about the possible link between a high-fat diet and macular degeneration.

The exceptions are omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish) and healthy fats (in nuts). These may protect against ARMD and benefit the retina.


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