How to store essential oils

By | June 23, 2020
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How to store essential oils – Important tips on storing and handling aromatherapy essential oils. People suffering from high blood pressure, epilepsy, neural disorders or kidney diseases should avoid some oils. Also, always store essential oils in a cool, dark place away from sunlight to preserve its therapeutic powers

How to store essential oils !

Essential oils are not recommended for internal consumption. Certain oils are to be avoided during early pregnancy as they can induce menstruation and some even have diuretic properties which can deplete the fluid in the foetal sack.

These oils include basil, clarysage, rosemary, juniper, marjoram, clovebud, fennel, cypress, peppermint, cedarwood. However this caution does not apply to oils used in vaporizers.

Avoid exposure to sun for at least four hours after using essential oils as some oils can make the skin photosensitive to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Berghamot, lemon, orange, petitgrain are some oils that can cause photosensitivity.

People suffering from high blood pressure, epilepsy, neural disorders or kidney diseases should avoid some oils which are black pepper, rosemary, cypress, juniper.

How to store essential oils

Aroma oils are not a substitute for any drugs being taken under the advice of a qualified physician for serious ailments.

It is always advisable to consult a qualified therapist before considering the use of essential oils particularly when suffering from serious ailments.

Use the oils in recommended dosage. Usage in excess can lead to opposite effect to that which you are trying to achieve and there are chances of building up toxicity within the body. Ylang ylang, marjoram, clarysage need to be used with utmost precautions.

Essential oils should always be used diluted unless recommended otherwise and keep out of reach of children.

Store the oils only in dark glass containers. The color of the bottle should be preferably amber rather than cobalt blue. Only blended oils should be stored in cobalt blue bottles.

Store in a cool, dark place away from sunlight to prolong the life of the aroma oils and also to preserve the therapeutic powers of the essential oils.

Avoid using essential oils near the eyes or other sensitive areas. Avoid contact with plastic, varnished or painted surfaces.

When blending essential oils use a stainless steel, glass or ceramic container and not plastic. Do not use essential oils on newborn. Use only one drop of lavender in the bath until the age of four months.

How to store essential oils

More tips on how to store essential oils

For the use of essential oils on children up to the age of 12 years, all the essential oil dosage given to an adult must be divided into 4 portions. What suits one may not necessarily suit another person.

Avoid certain aroma oils under the influence of alcohol. Oils such as ylang ylang, marjoram, clarysage should particularly be avoided in case alcohol has been taken.

Some oils may irritate the skin. Always do a skin patch test before applying the oil to larger area. If you are not sure of a particular blend, it is always better to take advise from a professional aromatherapist.


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